Saturday, February 21, 2004

Presidential Auction 2004

I have serious doubts about Kerry's authenticity. (Bush knew - but so did Kerry, Oct 16;   Senator John Kerry - VietNam veteran, Jan 19;   More Kerry, Jan 20)   Besides being too close to corporate funds for my tastes, and besides the damning evidence that he would probably have played the same hand Bush has played post-9/11, with some minor changes, Kerry was a war hero, then against war, and now he's for it again.

And I definitely have questions about where the neo-cons will go even if Bubblehead is ousted from office. These people won't just walk away and die.

Wayne Madsen is asking these questions at Counterpunch.

Like many other Democrats, I saw John Kerry as the go-to candidate after it became apparent that Dean was not going to wrest the nomination. However, I have grown less confident about Kerry. He is better than Wesley Clark, who I accused of being a neo-con in sheep's clothing. Who would have wanted to replace the bomber of Baghdad with the bomber of Belgrade? Clark's past Balkans links to arch neo-cons like Richard Perle and Douglas Feith made his candidacy a ruse, regardless of his latter-day pronouncements about the foolishness of Bush's Iraq caper. Clark originally supported both the war and Bush and wasted no time in personally lobbying Dick Cheney for airline passenger profiling contracts for Acxiom, a data-mining firm that shamelessly capitalized on 9-11 to maximize its profits and on whose board of directors Clark sat.

Kerry has been a Senator in Washington for 18 years. As the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee that investigated the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal, Kerry discovered what makes the Bush family tick: international underhanded deals, drug smuggling, illegal arms trafficking, support for dictators like Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein, secret offshore banks accounts and CIA carve-out companies, and political assassinations. Yes, Kerry found out where all the "skull and bones" were buried (pun intended). Both Kerry and Bush evaded questions posed by Meet the Press's Tim Russert about Yale's super secret Skull and Bones fraternity, where both were initiated as members, along with Bush's father and pro-Nazi grandfather, Prescott. This bi-partisan circle of elite Elies is exactly the reason why Mr. Kerry may not be the best person to replace Bush. He would not be worse. But would he be better? I have a gut feeling, based on some recent developments that Kerry might not provide a full purging of the neo-cons that many of us opposed to Bush so earnestly desire.

While chairing the BCCI subcommittee, and before he married Teresa Heinz, Kerry would often sit at the bar at Capitol Hill's Tex-Mex Red River Grill offering anyone who would listen to stories (even a second and third time) about what his investigation had discovered about the illegal activities of the Reagan-Bush administrations...

...When BCCI's illegal activities on behalf of the Bush family and their CIA friends around the world became the subject of criminal probes and media investigations in the mid-1980s, the Bushes, as they normally do, cut and run. BCCI collapsed and Enron took its place. After Enron served its purpose as a Bush slush fund, it, too, collapsed. The failure of BCCI and Enron had disastrous effects around the world and in the United States. Never mind, the Bushes won out. Innocent people suffered. It's the Bush system.

Yes, Senator Kerry had the "whole enchilada" on the Bush family's illegal conduct along with his cold bottles of Corona at the Red River Grill. But why doesn't he talk about it now? Has he been co-opted?

Madsen goes much further than I can follow at the moment on his how many degrees of separation Kerry is from some extremely unsavory characters. I don't think you have to go all that far to be concerned about Kerry's authenticity. Clark has cast his support for Kerry, and one can imagine that there might be such a thing as a Kerry-Clark ticket.

I don't like the looks of it. "Anybody but Bush" is only good for the fact that we won't have an embarrassing idiot making ridiculous and nonsensical speeches in front of the world.

Bush's stealthy visit to spend Thanksgiving with U.S. troops generated front-page headlines and positive reviews. Even Democrats running for their party's presidential nomination praised him. "I thought it was terrific," Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry said.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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