We should have listened to Nixon. Yes, Tricky Dick! After the first oil embargo Nixon had a plan to send in our special forces and seize the Saudi oil fields. Had we done this and let Israeli's go after any Arabs they saw fit no holds bared would Iraq, S.A., or any of these other third world chitholes really matter? With out oil all of these countires are nothing but worthless stretches of sand that are stuck in the 6 century AD.
" I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die."
J. Cash
I don't know why they hate us. I just can't understand what's not to love.
I'm ashamed for this guy, so I won't print his name, even though he's proud enough to post it on that arborists' forum.
Thanks for pointing me to that thread, Tom. In case I had forgotten why I don't participate in that forum any more. This guy is the same one who once told me that Jesus condones war. When I asked him to provide me with the scripture, he admitted he didn't really read the Bible, but that his grandpa was a preacher, and he would have him find the pertinent passages for me. Said his grandpa was excited about doing it, too. Although I asked again several times, I never got the promised information.
What happens to people to make them so hateful?
This man has the very attitude that would permit him to do to other people what the good Nazi Germans did in the second World War, and what other tiny-brained, hateful people have done to each other throughout human history. I wish I could say he's in such a minority that we have no need to be concerned about the fascist and imperialist trend our country is following these days.
But that would be a lie.
Unfortunately for our own country and for the world, aWol has proposed to cut even more out of the education budget. With that and media conglomerates providing free campaign time to His Slowliness the Dope, directing coverage to their Demwit of choice as an opposition candidate, passing infotainment off as news, and foisting off some of the most mindless crap imaginable as "reality" TV, and "talk shows", it's not likely to get any better any time soon.
In a country cutting money out of the education budget, where literacy is becoming a grave concern, and a president's great selling point is that he's an average joe, things are not looking too good.
Better brush up on my French.
Monday, February 09, 2004
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