Saturday, April 03, 2004

The chorus grows

From Daniel Benjamin via Maru:

Brian Sheridan, President Clinton's outgoing assistant secretary of Defense for special operations and low intensity conflict, was astonished when his offers during the transition to bring the new Pentagon leadership up to speed on terrorism were brushed aside. "I offered to brief anyone, any time on any topic. Never took it up."

Even if one dismisses Sheridan's remarks as those of a political appointee, the same cannot be done for Don Kerrick. A three-star general, Kerrick had served at the end of the Clinton administration as deputy national security advisor, and he spent the final four months of his military career in the Bush White House. He sent a memo to the NSC's new leadership on "things you need to pay attention to." He wrote about Al Qaeda: "We are going to be struck again."

But he never heard back. "I don't think it was above the waterline. They were gambling nothing would happen," he said.

The most damaging remarks came from Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until Oct. 1, 2001. Shelton told us that in the Bush administration terrorism had moved "farther to the back burner." He also recounted how the Joint Chiefs of Staff, frustrated at the lack of progress in dealing with Al Qaeda, had begun a disinformation program in the last year of the Clinton administration to create dissent within the Taliban. But Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz shut it down. Counterterrorism, the new leadership felt, was not a military mission.

Shelton added, "The squeaky wheel was Dick Clarke, but he wasn't at the top of their priority list, so the lights went out for a few months." Shelton summed up Rumsfeld's attitude as being "this terrorism thing was out there, but it didn't happen today, so maybe it belonged lower on the list."

Is the White House going to vilify these men too?

My guess is they can assume these people won't get any press.

And, from Gary Hart (also via Maru):

Former Senator Gary Hart also directly told senior Bush officials loudly and clearly that, in his words, "The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming." Hart was co-chair (with former Sen. Warren Rudman) of the U.S. Commission on National Security, a bipartisan panel that conducted the most thorough investigation of U.S. security challenges since World War II.

Oh, spare me the Paul Revere self-comparison, Gare. Yeah, yeah, you're the new super patriot. Trying to warn and save the country.

After completing the report, which warned that a devastating terrorist attack on America was imminent and called for the immediate creation of a Cabinet-level national security agency, and delivering it to President Bush on January 31, 2001, Hart and Rudman personally briefed Rice, Rumseld and Secretary of State Colin Powell. But, according to Hart, the Bush administration never followed up on the commission's urgent recommendations, even after he repeated them in a private White House meeting with Rice just days before 9/11.

Condi is in a deep hole. Her only salvation will be Bunnypants. How much does he love her?

A long time ago I suggested Condi would be the first pawn sacrifice in the top ranks. Some were saying it would be Powell, some Cheney, and some Rumsfiend. I think all three of those are possibilities, as they're all liabilities, but I still think Condi is at the head of the line. Of course, I could be wrong.

For my money, the whole lot needs to be dumped. There's no baby in this bathwater.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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