Friday, April 30, 2004

And monkeys might fly out of my butt

APRIL 27, 2004 - "Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, D-Ct., noted differences that he had with Negroponte when the diplomat was ambassador to Honduras in the 1980s. "Those differences stem largely from a lack of candor about what the U.S. was and wasn't doing in Central America in the conflict at that time," Dodd said. "And although I intend to support and strongly support this nomination when it comes to a vote in this committee, and later on the Senate floor, I want to make one point especially clear: That same issue -- candor -- in my view, is going to be critical with respect to continued support for U.S. policies in Iraq." Dodd told Negroponte that if the administration's policies are not working, "it'll be your duty to the American people to say so, and to say so very clearly and without any hesitation so that we can make course corrections before it's too late."

This is a real moment of danger for America.

The Bush/Limbaugh Republicans are the 1930's Nazis, period. And these eunuchs that make up the Democratic Party - these battered wives who will come up with any excuse to allow these Nazis to continue doing what they are doing - means that America will go the way of Nazi Germany.

I mean, look at who this Negroponte is and what his record is: READ HERE And then look at Dodd's words.

This is today's Democrat party.

"Now, Fox, I'm going to put you back in charge of the chicken coop even though you ate all the chickens last time, with the extreme admonition that you are definitely not to eat them this time." (Fox: "Okie dokie.")

Dimwit Dodd.

Just add him to the list of Demwits. It's a long, long list.

Is there anyone with both balls and a conscience living in America - who is willing to put down their remote control and stand up in defense of their nation?

Is that a rhetorical question?

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