Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Meanwhile in Iraq

The U.N. has agreed to send in election experts.

And the U.S. is still recharacterizing the invasion.

Seeking to recast its reasons for toppling Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, the Bush administration is sending high-ranking officials abroad to justify the war as good for humanity, despite increasing evidence that Baghdad did not possess stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.  Globe and Mail article

Because, apparently "abroad" the people aren't convinced getting rid of Saddam was worth the results.

PR, folks. What we need is more, better PR.

Cheney to visit the Pope. There's a duo for you. I don't know about Cheney's chances of success. I think the Pope is a master at advertising campaigns. What can you say to fool a master fooler?

I don't think it's really the "abroad" group this is aimed at. I think it's the gullible (or maybe just self-deluded) American public preparing for an election. What do you think?

The last one we sent to fool the Pope:

Courtesy Political Humor where you will also find
all the Dean Scream stuff you can possibly stand

....but hey, do what you want....you will anyway.

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