Saturday, May 22, 2004

Presidential Auction 2004: Goff to Kerry

Stan Goff takes off the gloves. Well, actually, I haven't seen Stan with the gloves on. I think this ex-Ranger is all about bare-fist fighting.

"Failure to internationalize the conflict in Iraq has made America less safe and destroyed our credibility in the world."

I think I have that about right. This is a paraphrase of the official Democratic Party line on the war--the same war to which they assented when they were stampeded by their own craven opportunism into giving Dick Cheney and his ugly pet unlimited authority to attack Iraq.

If you still haven't read Goff's open letter to GIs in Iraq from November '03, Hold on to Your Humanity, now's a good time. Too bad some of those GIs never found it.

"...and his ugly pet..." Heh.

The election is a family feud, but no one is going to surrender the family's position - a position that, well before the thirteen year Energy War in Iraq, had already "made America less safe and destroyed our credibility in the world."

...The Spaniards are leaving, Japan is on the brink of a political crisis, and there are hostages held from the United States, Denmark, Italy, Israel, France, the Czech Republic, and Japan.

The Sunnis and the Shias are forming tactical alliances, meaning GWB has accomplished something after all--he has re-awakened pan-Arab nationalism, and with that re-awakened the brooding peshmerga to the north and further north the Turkish army.

Is all that international enough for you, John?

...Senator Kerry, this conflict is already internationalized.

Well, I guess.