Thursday, May 27, 2004

Tin foil handy?

Because you just never know where the next surprise is coming from. And boy, I wanna be able to say, I knew that months ago. Why the hell didn't Joe Lieberman? Or you know, something like that that I always say when those congress boobs act so shocked.

Word is spreading around Kodak Park here in Rochester NY. And will break on national News tonite that Kodak film experts have analyzed the Nick Berg video and some of the Abu Grhaib Prison videos comparing them for certain encrypted recording signatures.

Each video camera leaves a certain signature mark, much like a fingerprint or striation markings on bullets in gun barrels. Same goes for CD-ROM Burners, they leave a trace or type of Cookies on the finished product.

These are tested by computer and not visible by the naked eye. Experts here after lunch have concluded that one of the 2 video cameras used in the Nick Berg "beheading" was also used to film US troop abuses of Iraqi detainees.

That's a May 25 article. Did anybody see that "break on national News"? 'Cause I sure don't see it breaking on internet news.

A hoax?

A.............cover up?

Hell, I don't even know if digital video cameras leave signature marks, much less individual signature marks. Okay, show my ignorance time - (Don't be a smart-ass, it doesn't become you.) - I figured the bullet markings came about due to random metal irregularities inside a gun's barrel, as there wouldn't be any advantage in polishing out the insides beyond a certain level of smoothness that is need to make sure the bullet goes straight. But, individual encryption signature marks would have to be intentional, wouldn't they? That seems like an extra manufacturing expense. I could see that becoming something Herr AssKKKroft would like to have initiated so he can track every last thing we ever do, but is it already done? It wouldn't be something like the deal with typewriter keys, which would be more analagous to the gun barrel deal (if that is in fact the bullet explanation). And the CD burner thingy. That too? You mean all those secret anonymous CDs I've been recording can be traced back to me?

Oh crap.