Monday, May 24, 2004

Down on the ground

And getting lower all the time.

Now, he says they can tear down Abu Ghraib and build a new prison - if that's what the Iraqi people want.

"History is moving, and it will tend toward hope or tend toward tragedy...." Bush said.

..."We will persevere and defeat this enemy, and hold this hard-won ground for the realm of liberty."

What planet? What planet is he from? What language is he speaking? Who wrote that virtually unintelligible stuff? Is he hearing voices again?

History will tend toward hope or tend toward tragedy??

We won some ground?

For the realm of liberty. Or at least a new prison.

I have to ask....what is the purpose of wearing bicycle wounds? I know there's a good make-up artist on the payroll who could cover those up a bit.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.