Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Media blackout

Let's see just what major U.S. publications online are reporting that Bremer is lying about learning of the tortures only in January:

Google search

Mentioned once in Newsday? Only a sprinkling of local U.S. publications, and the rest independent and foreign services?


Okay, how about print sources?

Lexis/Nexis search using "turki bremer november" asking for results from "major papers" in the previous six months:

1. The Guardian (London) - Final Edition, May 10, 2004, Guardian Home Pages, Pg. 1, 305 words, Bremer knew, minister claims, Luke Harding in Baghdad
2. The Observer [London], May 9, 2004, Observer News Pages, Pg. 1, 815 words, British quizzed Iraqis at Baghdad torture jail: * Ministers were told in February of allegations of abuse by British troops * Whitehall alarmed over report that detainees were hidden from Red Cross, Peter Beaumont, Martin Bright and Paul Harris, Washington
3. Newsday (New York), May 8, 2004 Saturday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A05, 635 words, HUMAN RIGHTS GROUPS; Their pleas ignored; Rights monitors say that for nearly a year they have pressed coalition to investigate reports of abuse, worse, BY JAMES RUPERT. STAFF CORRESPONDENT

Using the term "detainees" adds one more paper: The Scotsman

Asking for results from magazines and journals returns nothing.