Ron Willett of Walnut Shade, Mo., was quoted by Reuters as saying he was disgusted when he saw the ads. Mr. Willett, whose 29-year-old son John Charles was killed, said he is now so upset, "I would vote for Saddam Hussein before I would vote for Bush." |
The Republican Party will hold its election-year convention in New York in late August, and there has been talk of Mr. Bush returning to the World Trade Center site as part of his appearance. |
There's a grand idea. Idiot.
Although Mr. Bush has raised an unprecedented $150-million in campaign funds, his public-approval rating has slipped below 50 per cent for the first time this year. |
Well, perhaps money can't buy everything.
With the race so tight, both parties are aggressively trying to portray their candidate as something other than what most voters think them to be.
Both men are well-bred sons of wealthy and powerful East Coast families; both were educated at Yale and were admitted to its most exclusive secret society; both spent their childhood rubbing shoulders with the leading figures in business and politics. But Mr. Bush has the advantage of speaking with an accent, picked up during his youth in Texas, that doesn't sound terribly East Coast. This, and his informal style of oratory, have helped him to be seen as a down-home boy. Republican officials now worry, however, that he is being seen as a bumbling cowboy and are using the expensive ads to give him a more "presidential" countenance. |
Obviously, if they have to be sold as something they're not (and they do), then we are picking a loser either way. And further delusion. Because, the conclusion I draw from that is, we "can't handle the truth". Or we're just very, very determined to pretend the truth doesn't matter.
Mr. Bumble Bush. Just a shucky-durn good ole boy. From Texas. Rancha Fabricata. Costume change. Wardrobe! For this shot we need a more continental, "presidential" look.
"I could never run for higher office because I'm basically just a media creation." -- George W. Bush source
Other opinions:
Only a drunk and a pothead could think using the images would not cause the uproar that has erupted over the ads.
Not long after the 9-11 tragedy, Bush promised to not exploit the event for political purposes. But, as usual, he lied... Bush is a man with no shame, no compassion and no sensitivity for the feelings of others. Nothing is allowed to stand in the way of his desire to hold on to the Presidency and he doesn’t give a damn who gets hurt... Bill Clinton is a despicable man, a whorehound who brought disgrace to the office of the Presidency. George W. Bush is equally despicable, a power-mad despot who brought disgrace to the image and credibility of the United States.... America deserves better. America deserves far more than four more years of lies, deceit and mismanagement by George W. Bush and the idiots who follow him. |
I'm having to go with the saying "you get what you deserve" on this one. Of course, Thompson does say America, and not Americans.
From the Star Telegram:
The Bush campaign issued a statement from former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani -- whose actions on 9-11 vaulted him to hero status -- defending the images.
Bush's "leadership on that day is central to his record, and his continued leadership is critical to our ultimate success against world terrorism," the statement said. |
By that standard, then, he seriously failed. He sat in a schoolroom pretending to read with some kids, looking for all the world as though he already knew the story when he was told what had happened. He sat there like nothing at all had happened for another 15 minutes, and then hid out in Air Force One pretending there was a direct threat on his life.
And, ever since that time, he has been doing everything he can to block the investigation of the event, and even blocking the Pentagon's attempts to stop real terrorists, while permitting John Jesus AssKKKroft to treat us like terrorists.
The New York Times:
Mr. Bush's aides said that they would not pull the commercials and that the battle over them could even work to their advantage by focusing new attention on what they said was the president's forceful response to the attacks and the continued threat from terrorists.
They said the controversy had been expected and was serving their aim of changing the debate from Democratic turf like health care and jobs to Mr. Bush's strongest suit, national security. |
Indeed. A totally political ploy. Which, I believe, is the crux of the complaints. But hey, you gotta admit, they have to do something to get the attention off "domestic turf". But it's early yet. I imagine they will have to come up with another distraction before November.
David Gergen, a former adviser to presidents of both parties, said using September 11 in campaign ads is acceptable within limits.
"They have to be careful not to exploit the emotions of the families," Gergen said. "But how can you tell the story of the Bush administration and leave out 9/11? That's the core of what happened. If he's re-elected, the single reason why is because of the days and weeks following 9/11." |
Why? Because what did he actually do in those days that was so earth-shatteringly important? That made the difference in how America went on? This is a ridiculous argument. And I think we should be extremely nervous about how America can possibly survive if that one event is the only thing that would get a man elected to the presidency.
....but hey, do what you will anyway.
Update 10:00 am: I'm sorry, I should have checked with Maru before posting.
And since his links don't always work just right, I don't want you to miss his post:
Neal Boortz: revisionist historian or repulsive asshat?
Here's a quote from his website that I found over at RimJob's: George Bush has been president of the United States for three and one-half years. During that time, what is the single most important event that happened, not just here, but anywhere in the world? Let's state it more strongly. What one even defines the first Bush term. Now, we may have some egocentric whiners out there who believe that the IT jobs they lost to some call center in India is that defining moment. Right ... it's all about them. The correct answer, though, is the Islamic terrorist attack on New York and Washington DC.Gee, Kneel, you're right. And by all means, let us remember what our dear leader was doing during that fateful time. Let us remember that Lil Georgie was hitting golfballs during his month-long vacation even though intel reports were warning him there was a threat imminent. He was happily playing at his pseudo-ranch and doing photo-ops. When told about the attack he sat like a pithed walnut, then ran squealing like a frightened rabbit while terrorists continued to kill close to 3000 people. Then he lied like the cowardly fucktard he is about his shameful bunker-hopping back to the WH. Now he's trying to avoid testifying at the commission, the very one he never wanted in the first place. Oh, and about that jobs thing? Fuck you, you incredible insensitive shithead. ![]() On edit: blow me. |
And he didn't say....but hey, do what you will anyway.
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