Saturday, March 27, 2004

Presidential Auction 2004

From Black Commentator:

John Kerry this week signaled that he’s a coup-maker, too. His bald bid for the Cuban Florida vote – while simultaneously chastising Bush for the Haiti coup and the attempted coup against Chavez! – puts Kerry in a doublespeak class of his own. We submit the full text of Kerry’s statement as a sordid example of unprincipled – and incompetently executed – deception.

...Kerry methodically lays out the rationale for a U.S. overthrow of Chavez, then blames Bush for actually trying to do it. This man is dangerous. If elected, he will fight tooth and nail to preserve the NED and the entire apparatus of U.S. subversion around the globe. He is no friend to the people of Haiti, Venezuela, or anywhere else in the developing world.

And there, Black America is in the same dilemma as leftist America.

Graphic by Jihad Unspun

By the way...

The Black Commentator "encourages donations to the Haiti Information Project, whose reporters risk their lives daily to tell the truth about life in Haiti under the rule of criminals and foreigners."

Journalists associated with the deposed Aristide government or the mass organizations of Lavalas enjoy none of the immunities accorded the corporate media in Haiti. They are fair game for the death squads – who since last Saturday are acknowledged partners in the U.S.-installed government. There is, literally, no safe place for real journalism in Haiti, thanks to the Bush regime.

But “Truth, crushed to earth shall rise, again.” The Haitian Information Project (HIP), begun in the months before the coup in cooperation with the Marin Interfaith Taskforce, in northern California, has fielded teams of young journalists from the ranks of the oppressed...The Project’s reporters must operate in what one of them calls “a witch-hunt environment, where the term ‘chimere’ is used as a code word to justify slaughter.”

To fund this project make checks payable to: MITF/Haiti Info.

Mail to:

Marin Interfaith Taskforce
P.O. Box 2481
Mill Valley, CA 94942

Voice (415) 924-3227 Fax (415) 924-3227

In some instances, the truth truly will set you free. Free of your mortal bonds.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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