Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Billmon has a post this morning analyzing the claims and counterclaims and discussing the players in the ousting of Haiti's Aristide. In Billmon's surprise that CNN is straying from the party line, he mentions Powell's lost credibility ("This is the problem with loaning your credibility to a bunch of thieves. You may never see it again.") and reminds us of Roger Noriega's involvement in Nicaragua.

Nice job, Billmon. As usual.

Of course, CNN didn't delve that deeply into Noriega's past. Still, the network is showing remarkable boldness (at least by cable news standards) in actually talking to, and reporting, Aristide's version of events. The Matrix is still trying to debug that subroutine, I guess.

...But it's interesting, at least, to see how quickly the cover story has fallen apart, thanks to Aristide and his cell phone. American public opinion may not give a rat's ass, but the U.N. Security Council may feel differently, if Aristide continues to make a fuss.

Noreiga probably should have remembered Pinochet's motto: Dead presidents tell no tales.

Read the whole post here.

....but hey, do what you want....you will anyway.

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