Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Finally, a Missourian we can be proud of....

Walter Cronkite.

Ronald Reagan told the best dirty stories, [Cronkite says in his familiar ribbing]. Jimmy Carter was the smartest president...and the only one who bothered to actually read the lengthy bills passed by Congress. "He knew so much about everything and was not timid about telling you about it."

...Now arrogance is what he deplores in an American foreign policy that has "set the highly dangerous precedent of a preventive war" and "nearly destroyed the United Nations."

...In a private conversation, Cronkite sidestepped a question about President George Bush's character: "I don't like to get into the personality of the individual. I think the evidence is all in the record."

..."Our arrogant stand in nearly all our diplomatic approaches to the rest of the world with this administration has been such as to deeply embarrass the United States."

...Just before railing against the Christian right's objection to gay marriage -- "That's about as obnoxious a thing as has ever happened" -- Cronkite was asked at the Ritz to what he attributed the longevity of his own marriage to Betsy.

"I do think one of the factors was we were of different sexes." He looked delighted as the laughter billowed around the room. "That doesn't mean I wouldn't have been happy to be married to several friends I had of the same sex," he followed. "It just never came up in our particular relations."

...So what did the Most Trusted Man in America think of the costume malfunction stunt at the Super Bowl? A scandalized nation needs to know.

"About that Janet Jackson story," Walter Cronkite intoned in San Francisco the other day, "I was terribly disappointed." Dramatic pause. "I was really disappointed because I was out making popcorn. I spent a lot of time in the next couple days hoping to see a replay. And then in the replays I didn't see anything at all of interest."
  SFGate article

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