Friday, November 14, 2003

Can I get a uterus?

Bushflash has this link discussing the infamous photos of the grinning, cheering old white men witnessing Double-face's signature of the "partial-birth abortion" bill. (Here is another one - I couldn't bring myself to link them before)

There isn't a working uterus or ovary on the stage!

Even though this legislation deals solely with the rights and options of a single gender- the female gender- the Bush team didn't include ONE SINGLE MEMBER of this gender, in the ceremony to sign the document.


Well- ya gotta look into the heads of these grinning white men, as pictured above.

Women, in their view, are innately sinful, licentious, and are too stupid to know what's good for them. To these jerks, men are spiritually superior, and it is the calling of every good, christian man to keep "their" foolish, miguided women from their natural inclination towards sin.

Is your pregnancy diagnosed, at a late date, to be harmful to your health- possibly fatal? During an ultrasound check-up, is the fetus you're carrying diagnosed with a congenital disorder that would consign it to a short, painful, and brutal life?

Look into the faces of these grinning men, and try to understand their point of view- it's YOUR fault that you are pregnant, and it is the judgement of an infinitely merciful and kind God that you are barred from your one choice to save your health, your life, or terminate a pregnancy that will result only in pain for both you and your baby.

If you die giving birth to this fetus- these men will applaud, and say "It's God's Will!" If your baby lives only a few days, while you watch it convulse in pain through the windows of an incubator, they will stand up and cheer!

Heck- it's a GRAND time in america- when a bunch of grinning, greying men can consign half of the populace of the USA to such a fate...

When Bill Clinton vetoed a similarly insane bill, he did so with five women at his side- all of which had, painfully, undergone the procedure of dilation and extraction. They were there to show the human side of the debate- the side that had to undergo the pain and suffering that accompanied their choice to terminate their pregnancy with this procedure.

But, as has been shown so many times in the past- "President" Bush JUST DOESN'T CARE about the people who are hurt by what he does.

Can I get a witness!

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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