Saturday, September 11, 2004

Terrorist attacks

Aside from blogging YWA, I author a somewhat neglected website. Any attention I give it these days is almost 100% to the Civics: Politics & Current Events pages. A few short months ago, I installed a site meter to see which pages (what information) were getting the most traffic. By far, the Bush Fallout page consistently gets the most. (Unless some other topic such as the Plame affair happens to have a big media news day to give it a temporary spike.) Almost all of the traffic on my pages comes from search engine inquiries, so it's an indication of what people are wanting to read about. (The Fallout page traffic is an exception to that, as it tends to be directed from links in various forums and on conspiracy websites.)

It is very encouraging to me to see my P2OG page getting more and more traffic, particularly as election time rolls around. That subject is never in the mainstream media news. When I installed the site meter, it wasn't getting any traffic at all. This morning it shows 10 hits. Ten may not sound like many. But the number of hits keeps climbing, and the only way that's happening is that more people are hearing of it and searching for information. And that's a good thing.

So, if you haven't already, do some investigating on the subject. I have some links on my page to get you started. Here's an excerpt from one of them dated February 2003. (And spread the word.)

The Los Angeles Times has revealed the creation of an organisation by US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld called the "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group" Its purpose is to "bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception". The PPOG's role is to manufacture the terrorism that is to be combatted.

...Chris Floyd of CounterPunch writes, "The US government is planning to use 'cover and deception' and secret military operations to provoke murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. Such operations are not new for the United States authorities.

"Operations Northwoods" was such a scheme. It was a plan put forward by America's top military brass in 1963 to justify the invasion of Cuba. It called for a phony terrorist campaign complete with bombings, hijackings, plane crashes and dead Americans to provide justification for an invasion of Cuba. President Kennedy rejected the plan - and was assassinated a few months later.

Another similar provocation was a reported attack by Vietnamese naval craft on the US navy in the Tonkin Gulf. It was used by President Johnson to escalate the invasion of Vietnam by American forces. It was subsequently revealed that the incident never took place - but that was after hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed in the Vietnam War.

Many believe that the events of September 11 were another such provocation using a terrorist organisation infiltrated by the CIA and under its effective control. There is no other logical explanation for the complete failure of the interception of the hijacked planes that crashed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. September 11 has been used by Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others to launch the phony "war on terrorism".

The "war on terrorism" requires a steady stream of alleged "terrorist" actions and who better to arrange them than the CIA and Rumsfeld's "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group" or other "special" forces.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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