Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Putin's move

Queen's Knight to Bishop 3. Or something like that.

Back when he arrested Khodorkovsky, people were saying Putin was moving toward consolidating his power in Moscow and a return to the horrors of the old police state. I begged him and begged him not to let me down. Alas, I think my pleas may have fallen on deaf ears.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a series of measures to strengthen central state powers following the hostage-taking at Beslan when more than 300 people died.
CNN article

No wonder he and Georgie feel like kindred souls. There are too many players and too many dealers in international affairs for someone with my limited time and analytical abilities to have any understanding of the details. Oil billionaire Khodorkovsky, who made his fortune when Russia went Western and privatized, apparently was (or is) an adviser to the BushCo-infested Carlyle group. And apparently, Khodorkovsky's oil company, Yukos, now has American businessmen in top positions. Putin must certainly be circling the wagons to head off an American grab for control of Eurasian oil and oil corridors. (If you didn't read Joe Vialls' rantings when I posted about them, now might be an interesting time.)

There was some funny business about Putin claiming to have warned Bush of the 9/11 attacks, that seems to have gotten close to zero press. Vlad also claims that the U.S. is aiding Chechen terrorists - a claim that seems to be true*, and the odds are certainly for it, considering how many other places the CIA has meddled and is meddling.

Perhaps George is squaring off with his soulmate and helping to create the old Russia vs. U.S. situation that he is accused of playing to at the expense of fighting terrorism. Then the old cold warriors in the administration could say, "See, we're fighting terra, but we never turned our backs on Russia, which the Democrats surely would have done. Only we can protect you from all the evil in the world." And with all the top players on either side of the divide working with the same military merchants and oil companies, war over oil anywhere is a big chess game, and a profitable one at that.

I don't know. It's too complex, and too much is done in secret. I can, however, see the bigger picture where a stranglehold on the planet is slowly but steadily choking the life out of it, and its masses, to line the pockets of a few whose names seem to show up in the same circles over and over. The Annunaki and back to the Kings who rule a world of slaves. Some slaves are happier (and more ignorant of their condition) than others. Some have TiVo.

Isn't it interesting that terrorist horror stories in two of the world's major-player countries have paved the way for state crackdowns on their own citizenry? The plan backfired in Spain, though.

Anglo-American schemes to drive the Russians out of the Caucasus have been building in intensity since 1999. But regional specialists point out that the overall targetting of the region was an integral part of the late-1970s "Bernard Lewis Plan," which aimed to create an "arc of crisis" along the southern tier of the Soviet Union. The two foci of the destabilization scheme, which involved unleashing Islamist fundamentalist insurgencies, were Afghanistan and Chechnya.

...What Russian officials also know is that, simultaneous to the launching of the ACPC, the British government was providing even more direct aid to the terrorist insurgents. As EIR documented in a Jan. 21, 2000 memorandum to then-U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, titled "Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism," British authorities abetted recruitment inside England of jihadists, to be smuggled into Chechnya.

You might want to read that article now, if you didn't click the link above.

....but hey, do what you want....you will anyway.

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