Friday, September 10, 2004

Dirty politics

Is there any other kind?

The Busheviks are screaming "dirty politics" over the investigations into Bush's National Guard service. I guess it's only "dirty" if the other guy is doing it.

According to The Daily Mislead...

As reported in the August 23, 1988 Los Angeles Times, then Vice President George H.W. Bush's campaign co-chairman John Sununu went on national television to impugn an opponent's dealings with the National Guard during Vietnam. Sununu specifically claimed Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) had improperly helped get his son into the Texas National Guard during Vietnam. Bentsen's son served in the very same National Guard unit at the very same time as George W. Bush. The Bush campaign's attacks came just days after Bush's allies on Capitol Hill launched a vicious attack on Gov. Michael Dukakis (D-MA) for receiving a draft deferment during the Korean War.[2]

At the time of the coordinated attack, George W. Bush was serving as a senior adviser to his father's campaign.

Ballsy? Maybe they figured they had all their bases covered, so to speak, effectively preventing the information about Poppy's influence getting Junior into the TAG.

Slime balls.

And, by the way, as if you might not have figured, they are now claiming the new documents CBS revealed from (deceased - how convenient) Lt.Col. Jerry Killian's files are faked.

Sure they are. Including those copies of official ones that the White House can't explain why they weren't in the asshat's military files.

Philip D. Bouffard, is a nationally recognized forensic authority in typewriter and electronic typefaces.

Bouffard has the largest collection of full letter impact typewriter specimens in a private collection today. Having worked at NCR and a forensic laboratory for more than 30 years, Bouffard still works with entities such as the State of Ohio on Medicare fraud cases.

Bouffard said the CBS documents appear to have been copied about 10 times in the state he saw them. Nevertheless, he states, "All the documents have been created on the same printer. And the proportional spacing and the common characteristics of numbers like 4 and 7 and letters like lower case c and upper case G are beyond the capabilities of any of the typewriter impact specimens I have in my collection. The centering of headings is also beyond the capabilities of any typewriter I know of."

His conclusion: "It is remotely possible there is some typewriter that has the capability to do all this ... but it is more likely these documents were generated in the common Times New Roman font and printed out on a computer printer that did not exist at the time they were supposedly created."

Bouffard is a registered Democrat planning to vote for Kerry.

In a related story, the Associated Press has reported that the son of Killian, Gary Killian, has questioned the authenticity of the documents as well and said they didn't come from his family.

CBS says it stands by its story and claims that the handwriting and document experts it consulted believe the documents are genuine.

The White House released these documents after obtaining them from CBS and did not question their accuracy, according to AP.

Late Thursday, Matt Drudge reported CBS has launched an internal probe into whether "60 Minutes II" had aired fraudulent documents. According to Drudge, a top CBS source said, "The reputation and integrity of the entire news division is at stake. If we are in error, it will be corrected."

What a nightmare mess. There's plenty in the affair without those documents to affirm that Junior was preferentially placed in the Texas Air National Guard and preferentially removed from it. And that he didn't perform the requirements of his service while he was there. But we're going to use all this hoopla to avoid the fact that he's in the running for the worst president this country has ever had and has helped to create a world-wide nightmare scenario that affects every sentient being on the planet, not just the humans.

Jesus, Joseph and Mary. Bring on the Apocalypse. It doesn't look like we're capable of doing any better.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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