Thursday, August 05, 2004


Do you ever wonder why there are so many actual sex crimes (often sadistic and involving children) concerning Republicans and their donors? I do. (And in light of the many times I come across them, I am always amazed that people are still screaming about Bill and Monica. At least there were two consenting adults in that story.) Perhaps it's related to that authoritarian world view. Or maybe they're just sick. Or maybe both. Maybe the authoritarian world view is a sick one. I read about a study once that said the most heinous sociopathic criminals in prisons were also most likely to have been raised in a strict fundamentalist religion (definitely authoritarian).


DynCorp, the private corporation that now holds the contract to train Iraqi police, was sued successfully by its own employees for its involvement in a prostitution ring in Kosovo where it was hired to provide security services to the U.N. and American forces. The ring involved sex-slavery, pornography, and drugs and victimized Bosnian women who had previously been raped or imprisoned by Serb forces, including girls as young as 14. One DynCorp employee pled guilty to photographing himself raping a 14-year-old girl.

Do you suppose that DynCorp continues to hold and get more government contracts because of its contributions to Bush, or because of who is on the board of directors, or just what?

All right. I've floated out on a tangent. Enough. I'm going to shut down for the night.

....but hey, you do what you will anyway.

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