Sunday, August 29, 2004

RNC coverage

I doubt if you can do better than this. On a daily basis, South Knox Bubba will be debating West Knox Momma in Tennessee's Knoxville Sentinel News. Bookmark Crosswire at the Sentinel-News.

Now, if I understand this deal correctly, the powerful, right-leaning Knoxville News Sentinel newspaper is hosting this forum so this nice reporter's charming wife who is a paid professional GOP Operative attending the GOP National Convention on official GOP Business can debate some Bubba, who is apparently being set up as the token liberal punching bag for this event. Sounds good to me. I accept the challenge on behalf of East Tennessee Democrats, and will do my best to make all twenty-seven of us proud.

Anyway, I am so looking forward to watching hour after hour of C-SPAN coverage of White Guys in Gray Suits droning on about the wonderful GOP Agenda that, with enough tax cuts, will create millions of jobs, cure all disease, save our environment, bring Peace on Earth, and protect us from gay people who want to make us marry them, and then hunkering down over my keyboard and grinding out witty and insightful missives explaining why everything they just said is wrong while the nice reporter and his charming GOP Operative wife order up room service to their suite at the Plaza Hotel in NYC and have the concierge fax in the official Karl Rove recap of the day's talking points.

OK, then.

Thanks to La Belle for spotting this resource.

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