Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hollywood Thompson Strikes Again

Fred Thompson spoke to an audience in Iowa for all of 24 minutes, at the end of which he asked a completely silent room, "Can I have a round of applause?" He got less than a round, and noted, "Well, I had to drag that out of you."

He continued his wowing of the Iowa citizenry in a radio interview where he said we shouldn't count on China or the Soviet Union to help us out containing Iran. I wouldn't count on the Soviet Union for anything, since it hasn't existed since Sir Ronald Reagan's time. (Please see the comments section.)

The National Review Online, however, thinks Thompson is a real winner, having wowed the NRA at a speech before that group. And mind you, if the Cheney cabal is interested in continuing its control of the U.S., what better follow-up to the idiot in chief than another idiot? Don't count Fred out.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.


  1. Nit-picky commenter here again. The Soviet Union officially dissolved in December 1991, during the reign of King George I. Why Reagan tends to get credit for it, or anything for that matter, is a matter of great confusion for me.

  2. after i published the post, i had second thoughts about that comment myself, but i was too lazy to go back and do anything about it.

    in fact, i even recently listened to a radio interview with a former soviet ambassador who said, as many analysts claim, that the u.s. wasn't responsible any way for the collapse of the soviet union, but only that the timing was such that reagan's crowing coincided with a soviet implosion that was well underway. i suppose it's like seeing your oponent tripping, you reach out and touch him and then take credit for having knocked him down.

    thanks as always for the nit-picking. i don't like to leave factually erroneous comments on my posts.


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