Friday, March 20, 2009

Very Bad Form

Obama got a little too relaxed with Jay Leno.

Appearing on "The Tonight Show" Thursday, the president told host Jay Leno he'd been practicing at the White House's bowling alley but wasn't happy with his score of 129. Then he remarked: "It was like the Special Olympics or something."


Foot in mouth disease.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.


  1. He has hurt many families in America. He needs to say he is sorry in the public, not to an organization.

    In addition, someone who claims to have experienced prejudice and stereotypes throughout life, and has written about them in great detail, should be more sensitive and refined from life's lessons.

    Furthermore, Obama claimed he was going to have the world think 'highly' of America again. Will this joke help?

    For someone who spoke of equality as a creed. Does this joke match that philosophy?

    For someone that said he would stand for all people. Does this stand up for those that participate in the special Olympics?

    The fact is Obama claimed a higher standard. To much is given, much is required.

    Obama has just showed us that 'yes we can' destroy what a campaign stands for with a single joke.

    During the campaign for the White House in 2008, the media criticized Palin for being ‘common,’ 'not-polished,' 'not-compassionate' and ‘not presidential.’ However, compare Sarah Palins attitude in this video created three weeks ago for the Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho.

    You decide the more ‘presidential’ among them. Watch:

  2. well, far and away, without any doubt, obama is the more presidential between him and sarah palin. i can only imagine the deep despair world-wide had sarah palin taken the white house. no, i can't imagine it. i don't want to imagine it. however, mr. obama is a disappointment in many ways, and this cutting remark that so easily slipped from his mouth as though it were a harmless joke is truly pathetic, and in my opinion, is a blight on his character. i have seen hints of a lack of sincere concern and hints of a lack of connection with the regular folk, but this was an utter lack of good sense and taste, beside being thoughtless and mean.


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