Saturday, July 10, 2004

Well, there you go

I figured the truth would come out about why the spoiled brat king wouldn't speak at the NAACP meeting. And, of course, as I suspected, it was because they hadn't spoken adoringly of him. (Expect the same to come out about why he won't speak to the Latino organizations.)

President Bush has decided not to speak to the country's largest civil rights group, the White House said on Friday, citing openly hostile comments by its leaders about the president.

The White House initially attributed Bush's decision not to accept the invitation to speak at the NAACP annual convention to a scheduling conflict. The convention opens on Saturday in Philadelphia.

But White House spokesman Scott McClellan, traveling with Bush on a campaign bus trip through Pennsylvania cited "hostile political rhetoric about the president" from the group's leaders.

"It's disappointing to hear," McClellan said.
  Yahoo News article

And if you disappoint Little Lord Fauntleroy, believe me, you'll pay.

McClellan said that "the president is going to reach out to everyone in the African-American community and ask for their vote based on his record and his vision for the country."

And his vision does not include any negative remarks about himself.

In an interview with reporters from the Philadelphia Inquirer and other local Pennsylvania newspapers, Bush described his relationship with current NAACP leaders as "basically nonexistent."

"You've heard the rhetoric and the names they've called me," he said, according to a report on the Knight Ridder Web site.

Can you believe this crybaby?!?

And they still talk about reaching out for the black vote?

Well, obviously no oxygen can get to your brain when you have your head that far up your ass.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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