Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Locked In

When a recent visitor asked him what assurance he could give about his successor in 2009, President Bush replied, "we'll fix it so he'll be locked in." The visitor left perplexed and wondered whether that might mean the United States would be in a wider war in the region by then.


Well, I do wish the visitor had had the wherewithall to ask him just what he meant. It sounds rather illegal, whatever it is. "Fixing" things usually is, isn't it?

A Texan friend of long standing called on him recently and confided to his Washington hosts that Bush had said three times, bringing a clenched fist to his chest, "I'm the president." To remind visiting political opponents, he said, would be normal. But the close friend said he was a little taken aback as he had never seen Bush in this mode before.

I'd heard some rumor of this Texan friend - actually I heard it was plural - having come away from their visit a bit chagrined because Bush seemed to be whining the whole time about how he couldn't understand why people didn't like him.

By the way, the article containing these quotes also says John Negroponte claims that Bush reads two to three books a week, most of them historical biographies. No comment.

I'm still having a hard time believing the friends story, because I can't imagine Bush is aware that people don't like him.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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