Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What's in a Name?

The difference in military attitude between the World Wars and recent campaigns might be hinted at in the names the military brass give the various operations.

The World Wars seemed to have operations named for people or places. Names like Operation Albion, Operation Blucher-Yorck, Operations Georgette and Michael.

The Clinton era operations in Haiti had a deceptively high-minded tilt: Operation Uphold Democracy, Operation New Horizon, Operation Secure Tomorrow.

But the Iraq campaign, on the other hand, went straight for the gusto of war - the "Bring 'em On" flavor - from the obviously macho Operation Dragon Victory, Operation Black Typhoon, Operation Grizzly Forced Entry, and all the "Iron" operations: Iron Bullet, Iron Fist, Iron Force, Iron Fury, Iron Grip, Iron Hammer, Iron Justice, Iron Promise, Iron Resolve, and Iron Saber. There were the cowboy operations: Operation OK Coral, Operation True Grit, Operation Tombstone Piledriver, and Operation Duke Fortitude. There was Operation Planet X (so don't tell me the military - or at least somebody involved in the planning - isn't in on the Armageddon factor), and Operation Gimlet Victory. Was that one named for George?

....hey, do what you want....you will anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Other Clinton-era operations:
    Operation Wag the Dog
    Operation Media Consolidation
    Operation Ultimate Orgasm

    Other Bush-era operations:
    Operation Oktober-fist
    Operation Screw the Donkey
    Operation Iron Deficiency
    Operation In Other Words


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