Thursday, June 03, 2004

Update on Bush's retention of a personal attorney

Here's the reason why The Oaf has spoken to a private attorney...

Witnesses told a federal grand jury President George W. Bush knew about, and took no action to stop, the release of a covert CIA operative's name to a journalist in an attempt to discredit her husband, a critic of administration policy in Iraq.

Their damning testimony has prompted Bush to contact an outside lawyer for legal advice because evidence increasingly points to his involvement in the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame's name to syndicated columnist Robert Novak.

...Sources within the investigation say evidence points to Rove approving release of the leak. They add that their investigation suggests the President knew about Rove's actions but took no action to stop release of Plame's name.

...White House spokesmen, however, dismiss the hiring of outside counsel as a routine precaution.
  Capitol Hill Blue article

Yeah, routine precaution when you're in a jam.

Wouldn't it be great if we got that frog-march after all? And it was both toads?

Just think what might happen if we only lived in a country where justice weren't a pretense.

....but hey, we don't, so get over will anyway.