Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Loving thy neighbor

This post is dedicated to my niece, a hellacious born-againer fundamental Christian, who, when the invasion of Iraq was in the ramp-up stages, included me in a mass emailing of a stupid French-bashing joke and a John AssKKKroft quote, which she improved upon by saying that the only thing she disagreed with about Ashcroft's claim that Christians are better than Muslims because Muslims send their sons to die for their God (instead of their God sending His son to die for them, like the good Christians' God) was that in actuality, the Muslims' God isn't even real.

Oh yes she did say that. And, whereas I always just hit the delete button on her emails, I slipped up and read that one, and sent her a reply saying I couldn't imagine how she can call herself a Christian and forward such unChristian emails. I reminded her that Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," which really sent her off the deep end, and she wrote back a very nasty diatribe telling me I had no right to say anything at all since I refused to worship God. I am not kidding you here. And, as for my comment about love, she said, "I DO love my neighbors, but they don't love ME!"

Okay, hon, here's one from Jesus' General for your next mass emailing:

Republican Jesus archives courtesy Jesus' General