Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Has the whole world gone completely mad?

Crazy neighbor break.

Okay, she lives alone and she likes cats. I understand. But she has a yard of her own. Why has she been putting bowls of catfood and dinner plates of chicken parts - I kid you not - in my yard to feed wild cats?

I think I've got her broken of that habit, but now she's convinced there's a cat trapped under my house. A wild one. So she's outside my window calling "Heeeeeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty" over and over day and night. She's even removed a block I put up to prevent them getting under there. She's heard one under there, she's sure. Hell, she's on her hands and knees with her head under my house! She's probably heard me moving around inside. WTF?! And, oh, by the way...would a wild cat come out from under a house if you sit at the entrance calling it if you just do it long enough?

She loves animals, she says. But she hates snakes. She was worried about a pile of brush I had stacked waiting to be hauled off because "snakes could live in there!" Hell, I prefer snakes to wild cats and stray dogs. Snakes don't make any noise, they don't leave piles of shit, and they eat objectionable insects and small rodents. The rodents she's attracting by putting bowls of catfood and plates of chicken parts in my yard!

....but hey, do what you want....you will anyway.