Wednesday, December 10, 2003

One picture worth $14 million


This is a little peripheral, but....

Why do they take pictures of bill sponsors all grinning and excited standing around the president signing their bill? What do they do with those pictures? Each one gets a pen, too, don't they? I mean, the president has to sign his name one letter at a time so that he can use enough pens to give everybody one.

Is this like souvenir stuff on E-Bay or something?

Just curious.

And you know we pay for that in taxes. It might not be as costly as the London visit, but it still seems pretty wasteful to me for a country with a sixty-hundred million bazillion dollar debt. Somebody needs to take a course in financial responsibility and budgeting.

Or hey, how about this? We all VOTE on what we want our taxes to go to. Or maybe we just get a checklist when we pay those taxes and we tick off what we want that money to go to.

I'm not checking pens and photographs for bill sponsors.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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