Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cluster Bombs

The Convention on Cluster Munitions goes into force Sunday, August 1, with 107 signatories agreeing to ban the use of cluster munitions. 37 countries have ratified the cluster munitions treaty, and many countries have already started taking action.


Cluster bombs are damaging because they contain hundreds of smaller explosives, or submunitions, that detonate across a wide area. The submunitions that fail to explode on impact can then act as landmines, posing a threat to civilian populations long after a conflict is over.


U.S. President Barack Obama has signed a law banning the export of cluster munitions that do not meet a certain standard. But the United States has not signed the cluster bomb ban.


You know, both of those last two sentences carry so much wrong-headed evil in them that I couldn't possibly say one is worse than the other.

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