Friday, August 01, 2008

Anthrax Murders Solved?

Well, we can likely expect a "Mission Accomplished" statement from the FBI. A month after the government had to admit to erroneously tagging Steven Hatfill (and coincidentally destroying his career), another Ft. Detrick scientist, Bruce Ivins, who worked with anthrax, has committed suicided at the prospect of being arrested.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.


  1. How conveeeeeeeenient....

  2. I mean, I'm surprised he didn't slash his wrists while out on a walk, just like David Kelley. Just odd how that sort of thing keeps happening.

    Oh — wait, there's a cool advert on the telly...

    Sorry, what was I saying...?

  3. yeah, and as you note, the interest in following through on investigations is so lacking, which must make a fixer's job almost too easy these days.

    in another report, i was reading about how painful and lengthy a death by overdose of codeine would be. of course, we're not likely to ever know what really happened. another popular way has been heart attacks, and there was a spate of "falling" from rooftops a few years back.

    who has time to bother?

  4. Yes, the chances of finding out anything are greatly diminished by the fact that the state of Maryland has decided that there is no need for an autopsy to be performed.

    By the way, death by codeine would be quite pleasant; it's the shedloads of Tylenol 3 destroying his liver that would have taken a long time and been quite painful, had he been resuscitated by emergency services. Lots of details and speculation in the comments available here.

  5. thanks for the correction. so now i can put codeine back on my backup plan. whew.


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