Sunday, September 02, 2007

Politics GOP Style

What makes the Republican Party -- and the conservative movement more generally -- so attractive to closeted homosexual men?

Somewhere in the textbooks of psychosexual pathology there may be a straightforward answer, so to speak. Does the party draw closeted men because they can hide behind Republican homophobia? Or does the party promote homophobia as a political ruse while closeted men run the show?


I don't think there's an "or" answer. I think it's an "and".

But I'm wondering if this doesn't fit into something much more sinister - a general climate of control through fear that today's Republican leadership seems to be overly fond of and that seems to be getting way out of control. Take for instance this story out of Denver:

A local couple is complaining that U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn left them two threatening voice mails after they wrote a letter criticizing his fundraising.


Apparently, Jonathan Bartha, who works for James Dobson's Focus on the Family, and his wife Anna, were disappointed when Lamborn voted against stricter dog-fighting laws. They wrote a letter to the editor, identifying themselves as conservative Republicans, and noting that Lamborn accepted campaign contributions from the gambling industry.

It prompted Lamborn to call the Barthas personally, leaving a message that said, "[T]here are consequences to this kind of thing, but I would like to work with you in a way that is best for everyone here concerned." Shortly thereafter, Lamborn left another message in which he said, "I'd rather resolve this on a Scriptural level but if you are unwilling to do that I will be forced to take other steps, which I would rather not have to do."

On a "Scriptural" level? Resolve what? Steps to do what?

I certainly hope that the Barthas make sure there are consequences to those mafioso-type phone calls.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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