Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Larry Craig Update

It just gets better.

Recall that Craig made that little resignation speech with the emphasized "intent" to resign I noted from the video. Well, now everybody's talking about that. And in fact, they're making a pretty big deal of it 1) because they were fooled into thinking he really was resigning (they didn't listen to his speech very carefully - why emphasize "intent" and why set a date for the end of the month rather than just go now if he had no other plan?), and 2) because it seems that on his way to his "resignation" press conference Senator Craig left a phone message on what he only thought was his attorney's telephone.

How did that happen? Was there no recorded message that clued him in before he started leaving the message? Is he just simply imploding? He's certainly not been thinking straight. (Pun intended.)

Whoever the person was who actually got the message on his phone sent it straightaway to the press of course. It was a message saying that Craig had decided to say it was his intent to resign (with the help of Arlen Spector - actually saying "we've reshaped my statement"), but implying that if the lawyer could get the charges against him dropped before the end of the month, he might rescind his resignation.

What a fine mess for everybody.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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