Monday, September 03, 2007

I Still Don't Have a Title

But I do have an addendum to an earlier post about Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Paul A. Brinkley who is being accused by the Pentagon of public drunkenness and sexual harassment.

The charges come after a disagreement between Mr. Brinkley and the Pentagon. Mr. Brinkley thought it would be a good idea to put some money into state run factories to get Iraqis back to work and up to speed to compete in the world of trade. The Pentagon, however, deemed that idea to be too socialist. They want to open the factories to the god of capitalism, privatization.

It's an argument I'm not willing to enter into, but the accusations against Mr. Brinkley's character caught my attention. At first this seemed to be just another case of some government official caught in the act. After seeing another article on the story, though, I did a double-take. It reminded me of other Pentagon charges against someone they disagreed with. The same charges. I remember blogging the story, and it involved someone high up in the military command as I recall, but I can't find it now. Does anyone recall such a scenario?

1 comment:

  1. Paul Craig Roberts occasionally rants about trumped-up sexual harrassment and abuse charges being used to ruin people's lives. (And an example of the guilty until proven innocent assumption that prevails in our "justice" system.) I've certainly seen that scenario in some novels and TV shows. Drunkenness and sexual harrassment would seem to be a pretty easy frame-up if you wanted to ruin somebody: Sit him next to some hired bombshell (and we know the Repugs have lots of connections with prostitutes), slip something in his drink, and let desire (or gravity) take its course. She would claim harrassment, he would claim ignorance, but other brass in on the plot would sink him with "regretful" testimony about his lewd behavior.


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