Saturday, June 05, 2004

The People's Republic of Seabrook

Let's face facts. For most Texans, having a rational political thought would be a rather painful as well as a somewhat new and thoroughly frightening experience. Since they've been brainwashed into thinking that Republicans sit at the right hand of God, they will simply vote Republican rather than risking the wrath of the Almighty....In the Great State of Texas, you could run a Budweiser Clydesdale for office, and as long as it had the word "Republican" on it's campaign commercials it could pretty much count on winning.

Check out The Republic.

Highlights of the Texas GOP Platform, 2002

"The Republican Party of Texas reaffirms the United States of America is a Christian Nation ..."

"We reclaim freedom of religious expression in public on government property, and freedom from government interference."

Support government display of Ten Commandments.

Dispel the "myth" of the separation of church and state.

"A strong and vibrant private sector [should be] unencumbered by excessive government regulation"

Oppose Campaign Finance Reform

Oppose any form of gun control


* Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms;
* position of Surgeon General;
* EPA;
* Department of Energy;
* Department of Housing and Urban Development;
* Department of Education;
* Department of Commerce and Labor;
* National Endowment for the Arts


Abolish the dollar in favor of the gold standard.

Abolish the IRS

Eliminate income tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, capital gains, corporate income tax, payroll tax and property tax.

Repeal minimum wage law.

" ... gradually phase out Social Security tax" for a system of "private pensions"

" ... we immediately rescind our membership in, as well as all financial and military contributions to the United Nations."

We should " ... evict the United Nations from the United States and eliminate any further participation."

"We believe that traditional marriage is a legal and moral commitment between a man and a woman. We recognize that the family is the foundational unit of a healthy society and consists of those related by blood, marriage, or adoption. The family is responsible for its own welfare, education, moral training, conduct, and property."

"The practice of sodomy tears at the heart of our society..." "The party oppose[s] decriminalization of sodomy."

Oppose all forms of abortion - even in cases of rape or incest.

"We unequivocally oppose United States Senate ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child."

“We call for the abolition of the U.S. Department of Education and the prohibition of the transfer of any of its functions to any other federal agency.”

Support official prayer in public schools

Oppose Early Childhood Development Programs

"We support ... a program based upon biblical principles..."

Terminate bilingual education

"Since Secular Humanism is recognized by the United States Supreme Court as a religion ... Secular Humanism should be subjected to the same state and federal laws as any other recognized religions."

Oppose the "myth" of global warming

Reaffirm "the belief in the fundamental right of an individual to use property without governmental interference"

Oppose EPA management of Texas air quality

" ... Jerusalem is the capital of Israel ... " therefore, the United States should move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


Okay, then.