Thursday, June 10, 2004

Fallujah update

I don't have more on the US move into the city again, other than this Juan Cole comment:

Insurgents killed 12 Iraqi soldiers of the Fallujah Brigade in Fallujah on Wednesday. This is the first time that insurgents targeted the indigenous Iraqi brigade.

The story he links says this:

The attack will put General Latif's security forces through their first major test and raise questions over whether the Americans will redeploy their positions closer to the town.

US troops are still within striking distance of Fallujah but the American military has tried to keep a low profile to give attempts to calm Fallujah an Iraqi face.

Members of the force say a joint patrol with American troops had been scheduled to pass through Fallujah at the time of the attack.
  ABC Australia article

As I understand it (which could be wrong), US troops are supposed to stay out of Fallujah. Certainly they are not welcome. So, I can't imagine that they thought a patrol through the City would go without incident.

Maybe that's the "test" of General Latif's forces - perhaps he's expected to be able to provide protection for the American troops to make their appearance as a show that we are still in charge. Not working, huh?

....but hey, do what you will anyway.