Well, unless of course he rises from the grave today. It is the third day you know since he was sealed in the tomb.
[W]when I grew up to be a stand-up comic, Reagan became a favorite target. I didn’t have to make stuff up, just report it. During his campaign for the presidency, he actually agreed to take a senility test if the proper authorities concluded that he had become senile. Then, as if to prove his senility, he promised, "If I am elected, I will end the inheritance tax, for rich and poor alike."
..."In the 60s we knew that the CIA was smuggling heroin from Southeast Asia," I’d say at a campus gig. "In the 80s we know that they’re smuggling cocaine from Central America. The same planes that fly weapons for the Contras to airports in Panama, Honduras and Costa Rica come back to Florida, Louisiana and Arkansas with their cargos filled to the brim with cocaine, even though the administration is carrying on its anti-drug campaign. The pilots only have to be careful to evade the radar screen. So while Nancy Reagan is saying, ‘Just say no,’ the CIA is saying, ‘Just fly low.’"
..."In the 60s we knew that the CIA was smuggling heroin from Southeast Asia," I’d say at a campus gig. "In the 80s we know that they’re smuggling cocaine from Central America. The same planes that fly weapons for the Contras to airports in Panama, Honduras and Costa Rica come back to Florida, Louisiana and Arkansas with their cargos filled to the brim with cocaine, even though the administration is carrying on its anti-drug campaign. The pilots only have to be careful to evade the radar screen. So while Nancy Reagan is saying, ‘Just say no,’ the CIA is saying, ‘Just fly low.’"
Paul Krassner column at Disinfotainment Today