Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's Sunday

And I’m going to be sorry I left Missouri.

The tenth article of faith, written by the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1842, declares that the New Jerusalem will be built upon the American continent. He learned this as he translated the Book of Mormon (3 Ne. 20:22; Ether 13:2-6). Additional revelation on this subject came in September 1830 and was further clarified in the subsequent months (D&C 28:9; 42:33-36, 62, 67; 57:3). In July 1831, Joseph Smith traveled to Jackson County, Missouri, at the command of the Lord, where it was announced that the long-awaited gathering of Israel would commence. The city of Zion (also called the New Jerusalem) and its temple would be built in Independence, Missouri (D&C 57:1-3).

  Light Planet

Seriously, just before I left Missouri, I had a very strong feeling - probably a message - that Missouri was to figure big in the cosmic scheme of things. But, lo, the Lord commanded me to travel to Mexico (or was that Rich's idea?) and from there to Galveston.

So, I guess the Mormons (the ‘Other Christians’) don’t support the True Christians’ support of Israel stomping out the Muslims in order to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem?

And, by the way…

It's a little known fact that although Jesus was a big supporter of capital punishment, he didn't approve of the way it was conducted. Crucifixion was a little too foreignish, a little too Muslimy, for him. That's why, after one of His water-into-wine parties on Cana's 25th Street, He'd often go up to Golgotha and beat all the crucified people to death with His favorite pearl-handled jawbone of an ass (it had the words, "You Lie." etched into it).

   Jesus’ General

And, one more thing:

The writings of Ether, written prior to 125 B.C., abridged by Moroni 2 in the Book of Mormon, prophesy of the preparations for the coming of the messiah and of a New Jerusalem in the Western Hemisphere. It is to be built by the remnant of the seed of Joseph of Egypt (Ether 13:3-10). Ether also speaks of the destruction of Jerusalem of old, adding that it will be rebuilt with a temple and become a holy city (Ether 13:11).

  Light Planet

There are writings of Ether in the book of Mormon? That could explain a number of things Joseph Smith said.


  1. I try to encourage all my friends to move to warmer climates so I can come and visit them. You'll be glad you are not in Missouri for the next few days - heavy weather is coming - and you should be doubly glad you are not still with LS because we are all going a little gaga.

  2. yes, we probably need a little more global warming before i'm actually sorry i left missouri. it was in the 70s here yesterday, and mild but rainy today. sadly, someone mentioned that it's supposed to get down to freezing on friday. but we have truly enjoyed a very mild winter this year.

    and you haven't visited yet.


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