Sunday, March 02, 2008

That Was the Week That Was

Well, sadly, things are pretty much the same as they were a week ago when I last sat down to the internet news world.

Musharraf is still in power in Pakistan. But he did release an opposition attorney whom he'd placed under house arrest.

I managed to get back to Galveston on gas prices similar to the ones on the way up to Ft. Sill, although I heard a hotel lobby TV snippet of some analysts calling for $4.00/gallon by summer. (Apparently George is blissfully unaware - and unconcerned. Gasoline prices will never sideline his automobiles.)

It seems Iran's Ahmadinejad has just received the flowers and laurels in Iraq that we were led to believe would be ours.

The Democratic race for the presidency hasn't taken any turn; just nudged further in its already pathetic direction. Hillary Clinton has apparently crossed completely over to the "conservative" campaign playbook by running a fear-mongering ad insinuating that we'll be attacked at any moment, and she's the candidate who can protect us.

Here's the best thing about the upcoming election. Whatever happens (assuming, of course, that we actually make it to November and then to the following January with that much of our Constitution still in tact), we won't have to look at this face again. (Bill Maher's "New Rule" was that whoever is elected must have lips so we can see where the lies are coming from.)

Seen at WIIIAI

Any God who can permit a person to make a face like that and not strike the person making it with lightning should have His title revoked.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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