Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interesting Case in Pakistan

If you don't know about the case of the American who shot two Pakistani men and is being held prisoner in that country, read this TPM article. Here's my take on it: the Pakistani government's story is the true one. The US government would not be going to such lengths to get this man out if it were the innocent story it is trying to sell. The lengths I am talking about are: 1) "Hillary Clinton canceled a meeting last week with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi." 2) "The White House has threatened to shut down U.S. consulates in Pakistan." 3) U.S. lawmakers who visited Pakistan this week have even suggested that aid to the country could be cut off over the incident.

There is no way the government would be going to those lengths for any ordinary citizen, or even any ordinary "diplomat" who wasn't involved in something more than a common street incident. They want this guy out of the hands of the Pakistani government real bad and immediately.

There is one other possibility that I can see as a possible answer, and that we are at the point with Pakistan that George Bush was on 9/11 and are using this incident as an excuse to break ties with Pakistan so we can bomb them more outrightly than we already are.

My money's on the Pakistan government's story.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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