Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Yes, the Valerie Plame case is all but forgotten

You remember the outing of the CIA agent that the Slimey Bush Whitehouse pulled to get back at Joe Wilson for saying there was no yellowcake uranium deal between Iraq and Nigeria, contrary to what the WH was pushing to support invading Iraq. Maybe you even remember that the press got all woo-hoo over the appointment of Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate. Yeah, boy. Serious business if Patrick the bulldog Fitzgerald got his hands on the case. P the B F is a real hard case and thorough, too. I recall saying at the time that I figured the point was to, at some future date, say that beyond a shadow of a doubt, there was no blame in the White House, because Patrick Fitzgerald himself investigated and found nothing. Well, it looks like that future date is here.
A report today from Murray Waas, a longtime investigative reporter, suggests that Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor investigating the Valerie Plame/CIA leak affair, recently informed a federal court that his investigation has been “for all practical purposes complete” since October 2004.


"Most outside legal observers, and government officials with knowledge of the probe, as well as private attorneys representing individuals who are appearing before Fitzgerald’s grand jury interviewed for this article, say the fact that the prosecutor has considered his investigation virtually complete for several months indicates that he most likely will not bring any criminal charges.

“But Fitzgerald himself did not hint in the court papers as to how he might further proceed. And because Fitzgerald has so emphatically emphasized that the testimony of the two reporters is so crucial to his investigation, he may believe that they have corroborating evidence of wrongdoing by one or more persons under investigation that would allow him to finally charge someone.”
  Editor & Publisher article

Uh-huh. Surprise me.

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