Wednesday, March 16, 2005

World Bank leadership

One of the primary objectives of the World Bank is to combat global poverty. Outgoing World Bank president James Wolfensohn understood the link between global poverty and global security. Paul Wolfowitz, however, remains blind to the impact poverty has on dangers like terrorism and civil unrest.

“If we want stability on our planet, we must fight to end poverty. Since the time of the Bretton Woods Conference, through the Pearson Commission, the Brandt Commission, and the Brundtland Commission, through to statements of our leaders at the 2000 Millennium Assembly - and today - all confirm that the eradication of poverty is central to stability and peace.” – Outgoing World Bank president James D. Wolfensohn, 10/3/04


“These people are not fighting because they’re poor. They’re poor because they fight all the time. ” – President Bush’s nominee for World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz, Congressional Testimony, 6/6/96
  Think Progress post
Here's the thing. The Bretton Woods Conference was created for rich bankers to come up with a system in which they would not be challenged by small banks (read The Creature from Jekyll Island), and the true motivation behind World Bank loans is not to raise countries out of poverty, but to make them irreversibly indebted to the rich bankers who created the system (read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man).

But, it is very appropriate, if ironic, that both men's names are some form of "wolf". (In sheep's clothing?)

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