Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The flasher

LaBelle sends a link to a Rigorous Intuition post that I want to quote. But, I also want to point out this picture that is with it:

In light of the child sex ring scandal that got quashed because it involved the Reagan/Bush White House, and "rewards" of midnight tours of the WH, plus rumors about Poppy's involvement in some GOP parties with little boys, this picture is a little more than creepy.

And hey, isn't that disrespecting the flag?

Okay...the story...

I find it equally ominous and amusing to read that "senior US administration officials are working on a policy to 'contain' Hugo Chavez." Ominous because Chavez is a man in the crosshairs of an empire growing increasingly ruthless with desperation. Amusing, because Chavez is just a man, and what the US hopes to contain is not contained by him. The continent is practically stinking with progressive thought, and action. Soon, the State Department will need to "contain" Evo Morales, of Bolivia's Movement to Socialism, the likely victor in next year's presidential election. And it's not down to one leader, or even several. As Tommy Douglas, the Greatest Canadian, liked to say, "You can lock up a man, but you can't lock up an idea."

US influence in Latin America is waning to the vanishing point of absurdity. Like today's warning to Suriname, that if its citizens elect former dictator Desi Bouterse, as they seem likely to do on May 25, then Washington will sever ties with the nation on account of Bouterse's cocaine conviction. The United States " won’t deal with a person in the presidential seat who is convicted on drug charges." That the American President has his own cocaine conviction is presumably nobody's concern, since it's been scrubbed from the records. Nevermind his family's prominent, though covert, and so unmentionable, role in the protected drug trade.

One small incident to illustrate the continent's emergence from its fascist legacy: Argentina has expelled Nazi pedophile - and isn't it something how often we see those words together? - Paul Schaefer has to face justice in Chile for having abused boys for decades at his fascist-cult compound, "Colonia Dignidad."



Ooops...almost missed this...

Photographer Russell E. "Rusty" Nelson was recently arrested two days after journalist Hunter Thompson reportedly committed suicide four weeks ago on February 10, according to two phone interviews with attorney John DeCamp last week.

Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations.

Hunter Thompson’s death and the news blackout of Rusty Nelson’s simultaneous arrest raise questions that someone may be attempting to limit Nelson’s freedom or threaten him, since according to testimony, both men had allegedly witnessed homosexual prostitution and pedophile criminal acts in a suppressed but far-reaching child sex-ring probe closely linked to Senate and House members--but also former President George H. W. Bush. [In U.S. District Court testimony, Rusty Nelson told Judge Warren Urbom he took 20,000 to 30,000 pictures, 2-5-1999, p.52]


DeCamp, a former Nebraska state senator and decorated Vietnam War vet, told "there are tons of pictures still left; law enforcement is currently looking for them," adding, "you can also assume there are senators and congressmen implicated; otherwise this would not be such a big issue." But no federal official has stepped forward to protect Rusty Nelson's life, as Congress would be reluctant to hold hearings or force a federal prosecutor to probe its own members for sex acts with children--still punishable by law.


...If they wanted to get something passed through the legislature, he would put some people that were against it in a compromising position. By using us boys and girls...


John DeCamp told us last week that "Larry King was released from prison on April 11, 2001 after serving about five years," adding "he's back in Washington, DC and now involved in this story again." [DeCamp's book also said "King went to prison for embezzlement, conspiracy and making false financial record entries...there was no trial on any other charges, and the evidence of child prostitution and abuse perpetrated by King was never presented in any court." Franklin Cover-up, p. 224]

John DeCamp just released an updated 2005 edition of his original book about the secret White House-linked national child sex-ring entitled The Franklin Cover-up [$12.95 + $4.00 shipping: contact for 2005 edition]. The carefully researched and graphic expose involves convicted [and recently released from prison] GOP operative Lawrence E. "Larry" King Jr. who allegedly hired photographers to capture legislators and high officials in compromising sexual positions with children while he managed the Franklin Federal Credit Union--according to court testimony on 2-5-1999. [Franklin was raided by federal agencies and shut down two days before George H. W. Bush was elected president in 1988.] [Emphasis added]


A clearly unethical and likely illegal presidential appointment was also linked to the White House child sex-ring: "In August, 1990, Bush appointed Ronald Roskens of Nebraska to head the Agency for International Development (AID). Roskens had been fired the previous year as chancellor of the University of Nebraska, where Larry King was a member of his advisory committee.

[State Police "Franklin" investigator] Gary Caradori’s daily notes for February 19, 1989 record: ‘I was informed that Roskens was terminated by the state because of sexual activities reported to the Regents and verified by them. Mr. Roskens was reported to have had young men at his residence for sexual encounters." [Franklin Cover-up, p.177]


While American citizens watch, unanswered questions remain as Democrats and Republicans ignore young witnesses with clear and credible evidence--refusing to hold each other's legislators criminally accountable for their unspeakable crimes against children.
  Tom Flocco article

Caradori was killed when a small plane he was in exploded.
Following on the heels of Guckert-Gannon, Walter Storch, editor of the Barnes Review News reported a three weeks ago that "Karl Rove was seen by one of my people entering a private homosexual orgy at a five-star Washington hotel over the Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL) weekend last year." [2004]

A Barnes reporter told Storch that "Karl greatly enjoyed the supervision of a certain hairy 350-lb. Leather Dominator who had won the Miss Virginia Daddy Bear title at the MAL festivities."

Karl Rove, center
The following are purportedly photos of G.W. and James Jeff Gannon Guckert:
It relates to George W. Bush's homosexual relationsip, since about puberty, with Victor Ashe, long-time Mayor of Knoxvillle. When some in Congress began inquiries in the fall of 2003, Ashe in December, 2003, gave up being Knoxville Mayor and was appointed by George W. Bush, the occupant and resident of the White House, as the U.S. Ambassador to Poland. That is, getting Ashe out of the U.S. jurisdiction, not available to nosey Congressmen.

Bush and Ashe are both members of the satanic cult, "Skull & Bones", headquartered in a windowless building,called "The Tomb" on the campus of Yale University. Part of the initiation procedure is for the new proposed member to divulge his entire sexual history, to several other Bonesmen, so that when he is shoved up into high office, government, finance, etc., he can be blackmailed into silence.The new member has to cavort, au naturel, sometimes more than once, with another Bonesman in a double-size coffin filled with mud.
  Rense article
Please note that Rense is not considered a "reputable" news source by most people. But the Skull & Bones information at least is generally reported by many other sources. Also, at one point I followed the story about Gannon possibly being the missing Johnny Gosch, and decided that there was evidence showing it is not the same person, so I didn't post anything about that aspect of this bizarre story. At this time, I can't remember what that evidence was. And this is getting too deep. I don't imagine the truth will be forthcoming any time soon.

Bush Sr, Ashe and some kid
Background post

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