Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Republican Debate

I intended to watch the Republic debate on the economy. (How dull do you suppose that was?) I completely forgot about it. Check out the report at W3IAI.

And since Ron Paul is not going to get any play from the national media, I’ll give him some here from The Raw Story - for all five of my readers. I’m not endorsing him, but I can appreciate some of the things he has to say, and it emphasizes the inequity of our system that only the “front runners” as designated by the powers that be are followed around and reported on widely, so who knows what he's saying elsewhere in his campaign.

"As long as we live beyond our means, we are destined to live beneath our means" Paul had said, citing the financing of an "extravagant" foreign policy and excessive domestic spending that was disproportionately impacting poorer Americans.

"Everybody doesn't suffer equally, or this wouldn't be so bad," Paul said.


As the debate's focus transitioned into foreign policy issues, moderator Chris Matthews asked the candidates whether any of them, as president, felt they would have to seek authorization from Congress prior to taking military action against Iran.

"You sit down with your attorneys and tell you what you have have to do," Mitt Romney said, adding that a president had to do whatever it took to protect the country.

Asked if President Bush had needed congressional authority to invade Iraq, Romney again invoked lawyers, saying "We're going to let the lawyers sort out what he needed to do and what he didn't need to do."

"This idea of going and talking to attorneys totally baffles me," Ron Paul shot back later. "Why don't we just open up the constitution and read it."


It’s a little dusty, Ron.

I did hear that clip on NPR, and from the sound of his voice when he said it, he must have been fairly hopping.

Huckabee and McCain said they’d go forth without Congressional approval, so I guess they're not interested in reading the Constitution.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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