Thursday, September 09, 2004

U.S. funding of Venezuelan opposition

[N]ew documents obtained by have all been censored by the US government despite the use of the FOIA, which is intended to ensure transparency in US government operations.

The Department of State has withheld the names of the organizations receiving financing from USAID by misapplying a FOIA exemption that is intended to protect “personnel and medical files” of individuals.

Such clear censorship indicates that USAID and the US government clearly have something to hide regarding their collaborations with the Venezuelan opposition.

...USAID is financed by the US Congress and controlled by the US Department of State. Founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, USAID was established as a fund dedicated to humanitarian intervention around the world. Despite Kennedy’s humane intentions, USAID has more recently been used, in many instances, as a mechanism to promote the interests of the US in strategically important countries around the world.

In the case of Venezuela, USAID maintains a private contractor in Caracas monitoring and facilitating its projects and funds and also has a local operating center, the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) that was established in 2002, after the failed coup d’etat against President Chavez. The private contractor, Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI), manages and supervises grants approved by USAID to Venezuelan organizations.

...Despite the illegal withholding of names on the USAID-DAI grants, one document apparently was skipped, at least in part. The name, Sumate appears on a grant intended to encourage “electoral participation” in the recall referendum, citing US$84,840 as the total grant amount.

Combined with the NED grant of US$53,400 given to Sumate in 2003-2004, the organization that is now crying fraud about the recall referendum against President Chavez ... the results of which have been recognized as absolutely credible by the Carter Center and the US Department of State ... has received, at minimum, more than US$200,000 in just one year for promoting its attempts to remove Venezuela’s President from office.

...One of the most striking aspects of the media’s dedication to the strike was the use of anti-Chavez commercials to indoctrinate viewers’ opinions on Venezuela’s political situation. The USAID/DAI grant shows funding originating from the US government for some of these anti-Chavez commercials, collaborating with former Fedecamaras President Carlos Fernandez ... who was one of the leaders of the strike ... in the project.

These new documents from USAID evidence a clear focus on two major projects in Venezuela: The Recall Referendum and the Formation of a National Agenda that would serve as a transitional government post-Chavez (assuming the referendum was won by the opposition).

The documents are available for public viewing on
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