Thursday, September 09, 2004

Pravda on the Potomac

They should be sitting behind bars, not in the White House, and not up for re-election.

Incredible national security risks created by the administration are simply blinked at by the public and Congress. Remember the al-Qaeda mole? If you don't, you're not alone, even though it was just a month ago.

So it comes to this: in order to escape from a public relations embarrassment, the Busheviks willingly exposed a mole – a source of information from inside the operations and planning center of al Qaeda.

Similarly, Valerie Plame's crucially important operation was shut down, in order to punish her husband, Joe Wilson, for committing the crime of premeditated truth-telling.

Once again, the Busheviks burned down the barn to roast the pig.

And what was the political price they paid for these catastrophic blunders? Essentially zilch. True, "Plame-gate" is still under investigation, though with only two months to go, the damaging denouement will likely be postponed until after the election. Maybe a minor White House apparatchik will be sacrificed. No further damage – until the nuclear device that Plame's operation might have intercepted falls into the hands of al Qaeda.

As for "Pak-gate," after a month, it has totally disappeared from the media radar, presumably never to surface again. No investigation, no indictment, no political cost – no cost at all, except perhaps the lives of a few thousand of our fellow citizens, when the shipping container containing the WMD package from al Qaeda, about which double-agent Khan might have alerted us, enters one of our harbors.

This is the stuff of major scandal. Had this happened during the administration of a Democratic president, Congress would even now be drawing up articles of impeachment. In an election year, that president, like LBJ, would choose not to run for re-election, and for good reason: he would be unelectable.

But not this administration and not this president. Instead, the media hasn't touched this scandal, much less investigated it. "Pak-gate" (for which I must invent a name, because the media has not), is gone and forgotten: unexamined by Congressional oversight, and uninvestigated by journalists.

Where's the outrage?
  Democratic Underground article

And...why does the administration hate America?

Thanks to the liberal press...

Eight years and $70 million of persistent probing of the public and private lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton, resulted in nothing more than the discovery of an illicit but consensual sex act.

... The evidence of the media's bias in the 2000 election is clear and incontrovertible, as Paul Begala demonstrated in a November, 2002 Nexis-Lexis search:
There were exactly 704 stories in the campaign about this flap of Gore inventing the Internet. There were only 13 stories about Bush failing to show up for his National Guard duty for a year. There were well over 1,000 stories - Nexis stopped at 1,000 - about Gore and the Buddhist temple. Only 12 about Bush being accused of insider trading at Harken Energy. There were 347 about Al Gore wearing earth tones, but only 10 about the fact that Dick Cheney did business with Iran and Iraq and Libya…
When I was a youngster half a century ago, the US press delighted in relating the fantasies of Pravda and Izvestia, and we all wondered, "how could they get away with printing such outright lies?" and "what kind of effect does all this have on the Soviet People?" Today, there is not all that much difference between Pravda c.1960s and the US media. With FOX, right-wing talk radio and the NY Post there is no difference.

... For the campaign immediately ahead, we do not ask that the media join "our side." It will quite suffice if the media renounce their allegiance to the Bush regime, and instead direct that allegiance to the truth – to facts, evidence, clarity and logic. That is their legitimate function and their duty to the public. We demand that the media present the facts in an even-handed manner, investigate indications of corruption and mendacity, and spare us the trivia.

Pipe dreams.

....but hey, do what you will anyway.

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