Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Poor Man

I haven't gotten to this blog for a while. I should get to it more often.

Recent Poor Man post excerpts:

I would certainly never traffic in conspiracy theories, but it might strike less dispassionate minds as somewhat suggestive that, on the very day that 60 Minutes revealed that Bush was suspended from flight duty for failure to fulfill his obligations to the National Guard, the White House would just so happen to augment Bush's completely complete National Guard file with documents showing that Bush was suspended from flight duty for failure to fulfill his obligations to the National Guard. These weak and silly minds may start to wonder what else is the White House hiding, and infect other people with their paranoia.

...So, Bush didn't complete his National Guard duties, after all. You could knock me down with a feather. This is a political problem for the White House, of course, although I believe that most people would be willing to absolve Mr. Bush of dereliction of duty in time of war and lying to God and everyone about it, if he would simply make up the time he missed by serving a 6-12 month tour in Iraq. We Americans are an understanding people, and we believe in forgiveness.

Michael Novak reminds us what is truly important: George W. Bush is God's most noble creation.

...Commenters to The Poor Man remind us of the other key issue: JOHN KERREY IS A GAY FAGG0RT!!1!

...In this election, the voters will be faced with two main questions:

1) Is George W. Bush the greatest man alive today, or the greatest man who ever lived?

2) How totally fucking gay is that John Kerry who wants us to get killed by terrorists?

This whole AWOL thing is just a transparent ploy by liberals to distract the public from these weighty matters. Please, please don't let them win.

[UPDATE: Question for gay readers - do you spend as much time thinking about gay sex as Bush-worshipping Republicans do? If so, where do you find the time?]

The scandal-hungry press is already salivating over rumors that [Kitty Kelley's new gossip] book will reveal George W. Bush's use of cocaine through the 1980's, the true story of his time in the National Guard, and the shocking details of the illegal abortion he procured for an ex-girlfriend. But the press doesn't know the half of it! I have obtained an advance copy of the book, and will now share the even more shocking revelations contained within!

1. Iraq didn't have any WMD, or any significant ties to al Qaeda!...
2. George W. Bush is not a West Texas rancher whose simple heartland values and quiet inner strength have guided his climb to political and financial success!...
3. The economy is not strong, and it's not getting stronger!...
4. The reputation of the United States has been demolished over the last four years!...
5. George W. Bush is an idiot!...
6. America is weaker, poorer, less safe, less respected, and less sane than it was before George W. Bush became President, it's pretty much all his fault, and he just isn't interested! ...

There's much, much more, but I think this should serve to whet your appetite. I, for one, can't wait to see the outcry in the media and the public when these shocking secrets are finally revealed. The outrage will be unbelievable!

Why do George Bush's military records hate America?

Also, the AP's suit for unreleased guard documents was successful, 60 Minutes is running a prime-time expose on Bush's ANG duty tomorrow, and a completely independent group called "Texans For Truth" is going to begin running ads asking why, if George W. Bush served in Alabama, there is no paperwork confirming this and no one ever saw him there. This is outrageous, and John Kerry should immediately issue a sharply-worded denunciation of 527's generally. In an unrelated story, the terror alert level has just been set to infrared.

No kidding. I should think if this doesn't go away quickly, we can expect to see a terror alert color change.

And, The Poor Man introduces us to a great new blog:

Please welcome Shrill Blog, "The Official Blog of the Ancient and Hermetic Order of the Shrill". Krugman is our Elder and Ockult Master, Brad DeLong is the Keeper of the Forbidden Mysteryes, Atrios is some important and disturbing figure in an impressive hat, there's a schedule on the bulletin saying who is today's Seckret Arch-Heresarch Of The Great Void In Charge Of Bringing Cheetos®, and we shall all be the fortunate first who die screaming in unholy madness when the Great Shrill Ones rise from their sunken City of Unbalance and play on their damn'ed pipes their unreasonable and highly irritating tune of irrational Bush-hatred!! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Kerry R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn! Aaaaiiiiii!!!!

(If you didn't already know, the Righteous Screaming Right starts complaining of Left shrillness every time somebody turns the spotlight on the Right's misadventures and missteps. They can be as shrill as they wanna be, but the Left's return serves are just uncouth and un-American - in a wingnut word: shrill.)

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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