At a rally in Poplar Bluff, Mo., [Bush] was breezing through his domestic agenda when he came to a favorite: what he calls medical liability reform.
"We got an issue in America," he began, in a folksy diction aimed at his small-town crowd. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business."
Mr. Bush then turned to another point he has been making lately to appeal to women - that among those doctors being driven from the business are many obstetricians and gynecologists.
But Mr. Bush seemed to get derailed on the way to his point.
"Too many good OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their" - he paused a split second, as if searching for a word, then continued - "their love, with women all across this country," he said.
NY Times article
"We got an issue in America," he began, in a folksy diction aimed at his small-town crowd. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business."
Mr. Bush then turned to another point he has been making lately to appeal to women - that among those doctors being driven from the business are many obstetricians and gynecologists.
But Mr. Bush seemed to get derailed on the way to his point.
"Too many good OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their" - he paused a split second, as if searching for a word, then continued - "their love, with women all across this country," he said.
Maybe that was his point.
No, I take that back. His point is on the top of his head.
Update 2:25: P.S. G.D. Frogsdong got a letter from his representative with this message:
For America's veterans, this year's budget is another slap in the face. It is a betrayal of what they have been promised and earned. It provides $1.3 billion less than what the House Veterans' Affairs Committee has said is needed--on a bipartisan basis--to maintain vital veterans' programs. Over the next five years, this budget cuts $1.6 billion from the total funding needed to maintain current services. In practical terms, this shortfall will imperil health care for at least 170,000 veterans. It will also result in 13,000 fewer doctors, nurses, and other caregivers needed to treat veterans. No wonder then that the Disabled Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and AMVETS, among other national organizations, are all strongly opposed to this budget.
[Emphasis mine]
So I guess George's concern ends with the loss of gynocologists practicing their love on women.
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